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We are back with a new topic around digital health landscape that is fast changing during pandemic. Today’s focus is going to be doctor’s engagement and how digital strategies are being leveraged by Pharma companies to transform the way doctors are engaged. With the pandemic, online tele health sessions with doctors have been a new normal. With Doctors accepting this change, pharma companies are spending heavily in engaging with doctors.

Platform companies that push pharma content in form of articles, case studies, med journal contents are finding more ways to make the experience more intuitive and personalized for doctors. Let us look at some of the ways Pharma companies are able to engage doctors more effectively -     

Medical representatives went 100% Virtual

With Medical representative’s visit going virtual, Pharma companies are finding ways to communicate valuable drug information with doctors. The digitized content from the brochures and medical journals with supportive evidence-based data is key for the doctors to make an informed decision. Thus, medical representative sessions need to be backed with meaningful data. With 100% virtual, medical representative has to ensure that the record keeping from the online sessions are traced and tracked to closures.     

Personalized recommendations

Doctors are more inclined towards browsing online media for acquiring knowledge about the medicines or equipment they are prescribing. With platform’s tracking doctor’s liking within a network, Pharma companies are deciding what is more relevant for a doctor and are adjusting their product information accordingly. Data collected from various social media channels can be mined and presented to get meaningful insights leveraging AI/ML, which are then leveraged to push different type of content – text, article, videos, images to doctors.   

Adoption of Preventive care

Doctors are more inclined to prescribe self-administration capabilities for patients so that patient visits can be minimized. Moreover, any follow-ups happening through online channels should trigger alerts to patients and doctors. Doctors are more likely to continue the same mode of online visits versus physical visit to continue this as a normal.

Feedback captures from patients and doctors

When a new medicine or equipment is prescribed, doctors would like to get feedback as soon as possible. So, for pharma companies it is equally one of the most important strategy to decide the safety and effectiveness of their current product in the market. Though there are many ways to report any adverse reactions that are observed, any online survey through a platform to capture these adverse drug reactions will ensure greater trust towards the brand. 

Intuitive Customer Relationship Tracking Tool across channels

At the core of it, Pharma companies are leveraging some of the CRM solutions to drive intelligent engagements across digital channels. Right from scheduling calendars for the field agents to book online appointments or to perform a competitive analysis of their product being used by other doctors, meaningful reports play a big role in converting doctors to a brand. It has been published in recent reports that doctors are more likely to view content over social media platform like whats app than on emails or on SMS.   

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